Why contact us?
Затоа што насилството повредува, а болката не е безначајна. Ве разбираме дека е тешко да се разговара со некој кој е непознат за вас и затоа имаме огромно разбирање, трпение и време за да ве сослушаме. Притоа Ви гарантираме доверливост и анонимност. Ако чувствувате дека можеме да Ви помогнеме, побарајте нè на Националната СОС линија за жртви на семејно насилство 15-315. Линијата е достапна 24 часа секој ден во неделата.
Затоа што насилството повредува, а болката не е безначајна. Ве разбираме дека е тешко да се разговара со некој кој е непознат за вас и затоа имаме огромно разбирање, трпение и време за да ве сослушаме. Притоа Ви гарантираме доверливост и анонимност. Ако чувствувате дека можеме да Ви помогнеме, побарајте нè на Националната СОС линија за жртви на семејно насилство 15-315. Линијата е достапна 24 часа секој ден во неделата.

Недискриминација и почитување на личноста на секоја индивидуа е примарно начело според кое се води секоја консултантка-помагач која работи во нашата организација. Доколку Ви е непријатно да се искажете преку телефон, а сакате да добиете информации за динамиката на насилството или пак законските можности за заштита, оставете порака во нашето електронско сандаче sovet@krizencentar.org.mk. Кризен Центар „Надеж“ веќе 20 години нуди поддршка и помош за жени кои поминувааат низ тешки животни искуства кои со себе ги носи насилството.

1. Crisis counseling and referral through S.O.S help lines (National S.O.S Line 15 -315 and Telephone of confidence 02 / 3173-424). 02/3 173-424)
The National SOS line and the Telephone of confidence are available for the entire territory 24/7. The information shared on the help lines are confidential and special emphasis is placed on ensuring callers privacy and anonymity. The help lines are operated by CC “Hope” staff, more precisely trained volunteers and supervisors which depending on the nature of the call refer the victims towards the next steps and measures that need to be undertaken in order of their protection. The referral is always done taking in mind callers needs and their best interest. The staff is well trained to work in crisis situations, has great listening and communication skills, and has adequate knowledge in community resources, gender, religious and cultural issues.
2. Emotional empowerment and initial legal aid through education for victims of domestic violence.
With the education the victim is provided with adequate psychosocial support and encouragement in the process of finding solution for their problem. Educational sessions with victims of domestic violence who are led by a professional team (psychologist, social worker and lawyer who also have attended the training and treatment of victims of domestic violence), are aimed at psychosocial support and strengthening the victim while making important decisions about her future, as well raising awareness about opportunities she has, especially in terms of legal procedures that can be initiated and connected to this help in preparation of various documents. The education takes place in a separate room within the premises of the Crisis Center "Hope" lasts approximately one and a half hour, depending on the problem that the victim has and it can be repeated.
3. Crisis sheltering in a period of 24 – 48 hours, with capacity of sheltering 5 – 7 victims at a time.
During this period apart from the safe sheltering victims and their children get psychosocial support and their basic need are meet (food, clothing, bedding, hygiene items and medicaments). The users of our services especially those that have been sheltered are escorted to the next institution competent for long term sheltering of the victim.
The trained staff of Crisis Center " Hope " almost 10 years continuously works on protection, education and raising awareness and knowledge about domestic violence through workshops, trainings and campaigns that include promotional/informational materials for the work of the association, media interviews for television, statements for the print media, as well as its own website. We use all of these different tools for presentation of our work and exploration of the problem of domestic violence, its dynamics, escalation and most importantly information for self protection or for helping somebody else.
Domestic violence
The development of the preventive program begins in 2004 and since then we have implemented more than 20 projects in more than 10 cities (Debar, Prilep, Strumica, Kumanovo, Kicevo etc.) on the territory of Macedonia, with special emphasis on the City of Skopje and the Municipality of Gazi Baba. We are experienced in working with the following target groups: women, rural women, young women and girls and boys high schools. It is important to note that while working with different ethnic groups we take into account the cultural specificities of each group associated with risks of violence against women and domestic violence.
Violence against women
The preventive work in this section is consisted of workshops and trainings for young girls and women, introduction to the problem of violence against women (sexual harassment in school, on the streets, on the workplace, violence by intimate partner, violence from a family member, etc.). Through these workshops and trainings definitions of violent versus healthy relationship are presented and explained, then myths and facts about sexual harassment, personal care and steps for assistance and protection from institutions of the system.
In addition, the workshops and trainings are dynamic and interactive, with chances for debate and discussion with the participants where they can express their views on the above issues, the impact of society, pop culture and the media on their views and attitudes.
Comments from participants:
„There should be more organizations to protect women’s rights.“
„I liked most that the workshop was relaxed, interesting and very useful. We should know these things.“
„I find the workshop as very useful. We should have the possibility to attend more similar workshops in order to be well informed.“
Testimonies of women victims of violence
I was abused for 12 years, mentally and physically. My life was hell, an everyday torture. First I thought everything will pass, I was hoping that he would change, and it turned out that he changed, but the situation became worse, he was worse. When I lost hope that anything would change, I was telling myself “leave it be as it is”… Because of the children, it’s right for them to grow up with two parents. But no, having a father is not the most important thing. The most important is what kind of person their father is; the children need a healthy environment for living. I didn’t have the courage, I was afraid to leave; I was constantly under pressure and threatened to be killed. The more I tried, the more I was sinking... But there is a limit. The crucial night was when I was beaten and humiliated in front of my children, I didn’t know about myself... And then I said “ENOUGH”... That night I made the best decision in my life, I said to myself not to be afraid, I packed up and left. I have sworn that I will never come back, because I knew that if I ever come back I would have signed my own suicide. I forced myself to be strong and not give in to him, get back my confidence because now when I’m alone and have peace I know how much I value as a person. No one deserves to live a life with torture and without the slightest respect. It is not a destiny, we create our own destiny. If I waited for my own destiny, I dread to think what would have happened. Now I live alone with my children and live a normal and peaceful life as I always wished for... I’m still scared and live in fear, but I am peaceful because my children aren’t witnessing any of those events anymore... And I'm proud that I managed to protect them. Things slowly, but surely are returning to normal. It was worth that I left and I don’t regret it because I know that I and my children deserve much more and a better life than the one we had.
"I was married for 14 years and the marriage was a living hell. The days were filled with fear, if I will be beaten again that day? I decided to put an end to such a life. I left! Now I'm happy, confident and serene again!"
I was a victim in a violent relationship. I tried to leave him many times, but I kept going back to him over and over again. And then I got the wake up call. I realized that I cannot go on living in fear and wait for the next episode, whether he will stalk me outside my home, barge in at my work place… I was repeatedly circling the same circle… Well yes! The fear was the main reason that put an end to my misery. I realized that he will never change and that I do not want to re-live any of those horrible episodes. And now when time has passed I feel liberated and stronger coming out of that relationship. Without any fear I walk down the street again or entering the building where I leave. The most essential part in this story was the selfless support I got from my parents and my friends.
If you are in doubt whether you’re in an abusive relationship, then you should ask yourself: – Have you ever been afraid of your partner? – Has your partner ever threatened to hurt you? – Does your partner control all finances (including yours)? – Does your partner pushes you, throws things at you, or forces you to have sex with him? – Does your partner is following you or showed up uninvited at your job or when you’re out with friends?
If at least on some of the questions you answered “yes”, it is likely that you are in a violent relationship.