2000-2002 "Crisis Center “Hope” and Phone of Confidence”
Aim of the project:
Extending capacities of Crisis Center “Hope” for sheltering victims of domestic violence.
– Accepting and supporting of victims through Phone of Confidence;
– Sheltering and protection of victims (women and children);
– Efforts for changing the legislation
2002-2003 "Crisis Center “Hope” and Phone of Confidence" (Continuing of the project 2000-2002)
Aim of the project:
Extending capacities of Crisis Center “Hope” for sheltering victims of domestic violence.
– Accepting and supporting of victims through Phone of Confidence;
– Sheltering and protection of victims (women and children);
– Efforts for changing the legislation
2003-2004 "Extension of services for accepting, help and support of victims of domestic violence in Crisis Center “Hope”
Aim of the project:
– Increasing protection of victims;
– Raising public awareness for the problem of domestic violence through organize educative tribunes in local community.
– Increasing of the working time of Phone of Confidence (15 hour per day);
– Increasing the protection and sheltering of victims;;
– Psycho-social education and re-socialization of victims;
– Organized and realized six educative tribunes on topic: Dealing with violence and developing collective response of society for combat against domestic violence;
– Organizing and realizing three trainings in three different cities in RM for representatives of NGO sector in order to obtain knowledge for combat domestic violence.
2004-2005 "Educative programs on topics related to the problem of domestic violence"
Aim of the project:
Introducing citizens with the new legislation that provides support and help for victims of domestic violence.
– 8 educative workshops were organizedfor citizens in 8 different cities in Macedonia
2005–2006 "Increasing of level of information of citizens for new changes in the existing Laws regarding the treatment of domestic violence"
Aim of the project:
– Informing the citizens in rural environments in Macedonia
– Organizing and realizing 8 educative tribunes in rural environments in Macedonia.
2006 "Campaign for inter-institutional collaboration for prevention of domestic violence"
Aim of the Campaign:
– Raising awareness and capacities of the professional structures at local and national level;
– Raising public awareness;
– Media cover of the activities.
– Organized and realized 10 educative tribunes at local and national level for information of the population for the protocol and standards for treatment according to the new law changes – collaboration with NGO, MTSP and MOI.
2007 "Raising level of knowledge for citizens from multiethnic regions for the phenomenon – domestic violence"
Aim of the project:
– Education of citizen from multiethnic communities
– Preparation and printing of educative materials
– Organizing and implementing of 5 educative tribunes
2008 “Improving of the quality of services for victims of domestic violence and current working of Crisis Center “Hope”
Aim of the project:
– Providing adequate protection and sheltering victims of domestic violence.
– Accepting and supporting of victims through Phone of Confidence;
– Sheltering and protection of victims of domestic violence (women and children)
2009 “Strengthening National Capacities to Prevent Domestic Violence”
Aim of the project: Decreasing the level of family violence in the Republic of Macedonia through increasing the level of cooperation among NGOs, Centers for Social Work, Police Stations, Municipalities, Business and religion sector and strengthening of the existing system for common coordination for work in the field of domestic violence.
– Preparation, translation and printing of the educative materials;
– Dissemination of the educative materials;
– Organizing two press conference;
– Organizing two round tables;
– Signing the Memorandum for cooperation;
– Forming Coordinative Body as local mechanism for prevention of domestic violence.
2009-2010 “Basic Human Rights are Your Rights!”
Aim of the project:
– Informing women and men about the existing basic human rights and freedom and about the existing measures for their violation;
– Informing the population about the institutional protection (relevant Governmental institutions, especially the services of CSW) where the victims can address to and be provided with appropriate protection.
– Organizing 14 educative tribunes in 9 villages and 5 cities in Republic of Macedonia;
– Informed 364 women and men about their human rights, mechanisms for protection, especially in case of domestic violence;
– Printed and disseminated 3500 informative – educative brochures in Macedonian and Albanian language;
– Designed website.
2010 “Help, Support and Sheltering for the Victims of Domestic Violence”
Aim of the project:
The support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for the realization of this project was used for our long-standing experience in handling this particular problem. The support met the needs of our common target group, victims of domestic violence of all ages, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status all over the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. With the realization of the project the work of the state institutions was also facilitated especially with the provision of prompt and adequate protection and care for the domestic violence victims and through the establishment of the National SOS line, 15-315, available 24/7 and operating with trained volunteers.
– 1027 victims or potential victims of domestic violence received professional help and adequate information was given by the trained consultants.
– Sheltered 31 women and 11 children, victims of domestic violence, for a period of 24-48 hours.
– Referred 667 victims of domestic violence.
– Increased human resources with adequate staff.
2010/2011 “Networking to Reduce Domestic Violence”
Aim of the project:
Main purpose of the project was to increase awareness of citizens in the selected Municipalities for the problem of domestic violence, facilitating access to information and protection and sheltering of victims or potential victims of violence, and strengthening the cooperation between civil society organizations and institutions of the system. Another purpose of this project is joining of Municipalities of Oslomej and Zupa, through representatives of relevant institutions to the work of the Local Coordinative Bodies for prevention of domestic violence in the Municipality of Debar and Kicevo.
Main activities of this project are: organizing public tribunes, organizing training for civil society organizations working on the Telephones of Confidence, printing and dissemination of educational materials, preparing and signing a Memorandum of Cooperation between the members of LCB and regular meetings with the Coordinative Bodies.
– Established 2 Telephones of Confidence in Debar and Kicevo
– 30 traineed volounteers for SOS consultation of victims of domestic violence
– 315 citizens educated about domestic violence
– 3000 educational brochures
– Established 2 Local Coordinative Bodies with representatives from all relevant local actors for tackling domestic violence as a stronger form of cooperation with potential to make changes and to improve the response toward victims of domestic violence.
2011 Activity conducted in partnership with V-day Macedonia 2011
Activists from the movement V-day which are licensed for Macedonia organized the performance “Vaginal Monologues”, projection of the film “Until the violence stops” and implemented several educational workshops on domestic violence. The aim of these activities of different nature was increasing public awareness for the problem ofviolence against women and domestic violence, and fundraising for organizations that are tackling these forms of violence.
Expectations were met with great attendance of all events; there was an open debate about violence against women, experience and mechanisms for protection were shared especially with the participation of representatives from Crises Center “Hope” and with the dissemination of informative and educative material. Most important of all was the humanity of the visitors who participated in the silent auction, collected funds have been donated for victims of domestic violence sheltered in the Crisis Center “Hope”.
2011 Name of the project: Silence Equals Approval – There is no Good Enough Reason for Violence!
General aim:To increase awareness among citizens of the Municipality of Gazi Baba about the problem of domestic violence, facilitating access to information on protection and sheltering of victims or potential victims of violence and strengthening the cooperation between civil society organizations and institutions of local government.
– Designed, printed and disseminated 1000 leaflets
– Organized public tribunes
– Signed Memorandum for cooperation between CC “Hope”
2011/2012 Name of the project: Strengthening NGOs Initiatives in Local Tackling Domestic Violence
The general aim of the project was strengthening the local capacities for recognition and protection of domestic violence.
More specifically, it can contribute to a more appropriate response to the problem of domestic violence on a local level by providing more accessible services for the victims of domestic violence. The acquired and improved skills of the volunteers who will work on the new SOS lines will contribute more significantly to this specific aim. Moreover, the project will provide education of the citizens in urban and rural areas in the Municipalities of Prilep and Strumica.
– 2 new-open Telephones of Confidence in Prilep and Stumica
– 30 traineed volounteers from the local NGOs
– Issued and disseminated Guide for SOS consultations of victims of domestic violеnce
– Realized 10 public tribunes
– Printed and disseminated educational brochures
2012 Help, Support and Sheltering of Victims of Domestic Violence
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, in a period of 5 months, supported the service provision that our center provides to victims of domestic violence. Namely: Crisis counseling and referral through SOS help lines; Education of victims of domestic violence that includes empowerment and initial legal aid and Sheltering of victims of domestic violence in period 24 – 48 hours.
– 1250 potential victims and victims of domestic violence received professional help and adequate information
– Referred 615 victims of domestic violence to Centers for social work and Police
– Sheltered 32 women victims of domestic violence in period 24 – 48 hours
– Educated 76 women victims of domestic violence
2012 Genuine help and support for victims of domestic violence
Overall objective: Improving approaches and strategies to support victims of domestic violence
Aim of the project: Advanced empowering of victims of domestic violence through care for their psychic and physic health.
– Stabilization and relive from unpleasant feelings of 15 victims of domestic violence through realization of 4 workshops
– Designed and printed 1000 leaflets and 500 posters in Macedonian and Albanian language in order to promote Crisis Centre “Hope” SOS help lines and other services that we provide.
2012 Raising awareness of professional structures that protect and prevent violence within the Centers for Social Work
Aim of the project:
1. Development of professional’s capacity regarding economic empowerment and career development of victims of domestic violence.
2. Development of communication skills and teamwork aspects within the Centers for social work and among relevant institutions.
In order to attain the goals of the project were conducted series of trainings for 60 experts from the Centers for Social Work, developed in three modules with different topics including: career development, teamwork and multiagency collaboration.
Participation in the Program for capacity building within TACSO
Crisis Center “Hope” participated in the group of developed and advanced organizations in the Program for capacity building within TACSO, which started in May 2012. Thus we went through a process of evaluation of the organizational capacity and preparation of plan for capacity building with consultant support and support in shape of workshops in several priority areas identified in the plan for capacity building. The Plan includes four development priorities related to Strategic management, Project management, Human resources and Media and public relations. The support from TASCO was provided in two of the development priorities, Strategic management and Project management.
2012 - 2013 Preventive workshops for girls and young women
Aim of the project: Raising awareness among grills and young women about violence against women
Specific goals: One of the major purposes of the project is to help girls and women participants to identify their own attitudes, values and judgments and to reappraise and fine-tune them with the aid of the insight gained. The ultimate goal is enable them to look at the problem from different perspectives and to start considering violence as a possible cause of problems.
Results: Realized 8 educative workshops with teorethical and practical coverage on the phenomenon on violence against women the workshops also included documentaries on the subject, testimonials and stories from survivors and judgments of the European court on human rights.
2012/2013 Establishing of a system for standardization of services for free legal aid that CSOs are providing to victims of domestic violence in Macedonia
Overall goal is to establish, promote and put in function model for standardization of the services for free legal aid to domestic violence victims provided by CSOs.
Crisis Center “Hope” participates as a referral center to the other three offices and by providing initial legal aid. Other partners in the project are Organization of women of Municipality of Sveti Nikole and Branch office of EHO in close collaboration with Organization of women – Strumica. Holder of the project is EHO Stip.
2013 Training - "Quality Standards and Challenges in Different Types of Counseling on Violence against Women, Girls and Children - Especially for Victims of Sexual Violence”
On 01/10/2013 and 01/11/2013, a two-day training was held within Crisis Center "Hope" titled "Quality Standards and Challenges in Different Types of Counseling on Violence Against Women, Girls and Children - Especially for Victims of Sexual Violence”.
The training was part of the third strategic priority "Development of Expertise and Staff Capacity" within the Strategic Plan 2013-2015. It was led by Maria Rösslhumer from Austria, (managing director of WAVE - Women against Violence Europe), an expert in the field of domestic violence against women, gender-based violence, domestic violence and gender equality. The training was attended by the entire staff of Crisis Center "Hope”.
The training covered the following topics: Definitions and forms of violence against women; Shapes and patterns of impact of violence on women and children; Quality standards of services and challenges in different types of counseling on violence against women, girls and children; Definition and terminology of sexual violence against women and girls, and Online Counselling.
2013 Recognition of the problem of violence against women - the first step towards its solution
Aim of the project: Raising awareness among students and young girls from rural areas about the problem of violence against women.
1. Two workshops were held with high school students of the Municipality of Gazi Baba. These workshops have contributed for increased awareness among the students for the problem of violence against women, with particular emphasis on sexual harassment. More precisely they learned to recognize violence, consequences from it and ways of protection. Also the workshops served to obtain initial information from the students about their experiences with sexual harassment and recommendations on future steps and strategies for dealing with this kind of violence.
2. One workshop was held with young girls from rural areas on the territory of the Municipality of Gazi Baba. Participants were encouraged to recognize beyond all forms of violence against women in our environment, to discuss openly about the experience, but also to support each other.
2013 Days of Education and Career
From 10.04.2013 to 12.04.2013 Crisis Center "Hope" was part of the event Days of Education and Career 2013 held in Skopje Fair. The center had a stand within TACSO where pamphlets and other informative material were set. The visitors were able to find out more about our work. On 12/4/2013 at 3:00 PMwe have also held a presentation titled "Violence against women just a tenuous shadow of domestic violence".
2013 Help, support and sheltering of victims of domestic violence
Overall objective: Termination of the cycle of violence through measures of protection and prevention
Specific objectives:
1. Continuous provision of direct services and support to victims of domestic violence
2. Increasing awareness among young girls for recognition of violence against women
In 2013 for victims of domestic violence available were the following services: Crisis counseling and referral through S.O.S help lines (National S.O.S Line 15 -315 and Telephone of confidence 02 / 3173-424); Emotional empowerment and initial legal aid through education for victims of domestic violence and Crisis sheltering in a period of 24 – 48 hours, with capacity of sheltering 5 – 7 victims at a time.
1. 1181potential victims and victims of domestic violence received professional help and adequate information.
2. Referred 553 victims of domestic violence to Centers for social work and Police.
3. Sheltered 35 women and 15 children victims of domestic violence in period 24 – 48 hours.
4. Educated 94 women victims of domestic violence.
5. Designed and disseminated 1000 leaflets and 200 posters.
2013 V Day Macedonia
V Day Macedonia organized for the second time the play “Vagina Monologues” by Eve Ensler. The play took place on the stage of Universal Hall Skopje on April 29th, 2013. Participants were women and young girls, activist and women from public life who shared testimonials about unique experiences regarding love, birth, sex, violence, rape… Collected funds in 90 % will be donated to Crises Center “Hope” and the rest will be donated to V Day – America, which afterwards will be allocated as help funds for Democratic Republic of Congo.
The play was preceded by five workshops regarding violence against women and domestic violence and the event titled “One Billion Raising against Violence” supported with a flash mob (as a form of protest against the violence), which took place on the main city square “Macedonia”, in Skopje.
V Day Macedonia has also presented the documentary film “Until violence stops” within the Faculty of Gender studies and ensured direct support (empowering and legal counseling) to at least 10 victims which reported violence in Crises Center “Hope”.
2013 It is Not About Their Arrangement; It is About Your Free Will!
1. Providing in-depth knowledge of arranged marriages among adolescent girls and young women with different ethnic background from the Municipality of Kumanovo.
2. Identifying specific sensitivities in cases of arranged marriages.
3. Increasing the visibility of the problem of arranged marriages.
1. 4 educational workshops were held for adolescent girls with Albanian, Macedonian and Roma ethnic background from Kumanovo. The workshops were attended by 120 participants coming both from urban and rural areas.
2. Drafting and dissemination of 300 brochures in Macedonian and Albanian language. The brochures contain information regarding violence against women, specific information on arranged marriages complemented with the experiences in relation with this type of violence from the workshops.
3. Making short video on the topic. The video was prepared after obtaining information about the experiences of the participants of the workshops regarding arranged marriages.
2013 Cooperation with "RE - Medika"
From December 2013 a new partnership was established between the Crisis Center “Hope” and "RE - Medika" first private general hospital in the country for adoption and implementation of effective, comprehensive and coordinated measures and actions in terms of prevention, protection and support of victims. Within its capabilities, Re - Medika agrees to provide support to the work of CC "Hope" in order to: improve the quality of specialist support services for victims of domestic violence, provided by CC "Hope", and successful implementation of the preventive program of CC "Hope" to prevent violence against women and domestic violence.
2013 “Хуманитарна акција”
Кризен центар „Надеж“ во соработка со V Day Macedonia, од 7-ми до 10-ти ноември 2013 година, организираше голема хуманитарна акција во маркетите на Веро во Скопје. Хуманоста на граѓаните резултираше со пакети полни со храна и хигиенски производи, кои беа наменети за жените жртви на семејно насилство.
На ден 04.12.2013, во рамки на кампањата 16 дена активизам против насилството врз жените, производите кои беа собрани во текот на акцијата, им беа донирани на жени жртви на семејно насилство.
2014 Workshop: ”Recognizing and Treatment of Victims of Domestic Violence“
The team of Crisis Center “Hope” in collaboration with Re-Medika on 6th and 7th of May realized two educative workshops intended for the medical personnel of Re-Medika. The aim was strengthening of the medical personnel capacities for dealing with cases of violence against women and domestic violence.
2014 Cooperation with JL Moreno
In February 2014, Crisis Center “Hope” established partnership with the Association for Psychodrama experience and training JL Moreno for provision of psychological support in direction of personal growth and development of women victims of domestic violence. The group for support is facilitated by trained professionals that will work under supervision and was officially established in May 2014.
2014 Improvement of the quality of services for women victims of domestic violence
With the financial support from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany we will address the problem of functionality and security of the premises that Crisis Centre “Hope” uses for education and sheltering of women victims of domestic violence. Namely, renovation of the sanitary facilities will be done, placement of metal bars on the windows and metal door as well as painting of the Centre.
The project will be realized in a period of two months, from 25.08.2014 until 24.10.2014 in partnership with the Municipality of Gazi Baba.
2014 "My body is my choice and my freedom" - stop sexual violence against girls
On 26.11.2014 year, Crisis Center "Hope" as one of the planned activities during the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, held street action. The action was held on the square in Avtokomanda, at 12 pm, with the slogan "My body is my choice and my freedom" - stop sexual violence against girls.
The action took place simultaneously in several countries in the region: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro.
With this action we want to send a message to all women and girls, that they have right to freedom and protection on their own body, and that nobody has the right to limit it or dispute it.
2014 "16 guys start an urban revolution"
"16 guys start an urban revolution" is a campaign of Crisis Center "Hope", in which sixteen young men from different professions, known to the general public through their work, dedication and style. These guys are an example for a good behavior, and are sending messages for violence against women.
16 guys, 16 Days of Activism! They all had a different message, but they all agreed that the fight against violence against women should be done 365 days a year!
Ognen Uzunovski- Ogi (owner of the "Izlet" Bar and “Sector” night club) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "With 7 billion on the planet, if you come across a situation to beat a woman you are a real idiot“.
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Martin Vidoevski (Manager and fitness instructor at Sports Center "Jane Sandanski") started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "The meaning of the man and the man’s power is to protect the woman he loves, not to prove his manhood by battering her!"
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Gorjan Gjorgjiev (Artist) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "If we let ourselves to have a truth that isn’t in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit but in the name of the father, the mother and the baby, the world would be better place for women.”
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Goran Micic (Tattoo Artist at MG tattoo studio) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "I do not know what’s wrong with men who beat women, for me the woman is created for love."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Vlatko Vasilj (Social Media Manager at Element PR) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "The strength of a man isn’t measured in his strong punches, but in how gentle his touch is."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Ognen Brazhanski (Kayaker and personal coach in "Fitness Revolution") started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "Spend your energy in a different way."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Ivo Antov (Producer, author and creative director of the film festival for young people "Giffoni") started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "A man should fight for his family, not fight with the family. By refusing to hit someone, I refuse to hate them."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Ficka (Manager at Concept 37) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "There are so many beautiful things to do to a woman ..."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Goce SAF (Producer and DJ) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "You don’t batter a woman. NEVER!”
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Borche (guitarist the band "Superhiks") started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "You should stroke your woman."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Trendo (Editor off.net.mk) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "She is a beautiful flower, the woman is a flying bird, the one does not respect women is stupid."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Marko Noveski (TV host) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "Women are for loving, save your force for swinging your carpets".
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Tadijan Debalovski (Owner of the club "Block 20") started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "The only thing that distinguishes us from animals is the common sense - use it."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Vladimir Peshkov (Hip hop artist) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "Slap yourself to feel how much it hurts!"
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Tomislav Todorovski (Member of the management team at Pull & Bear) started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "I don’t know why the victim shaming is still a thing for the women-victims. In my opinion the humiliation in this case should be on the man. And I think that such men need therapy."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
Marko Gjurgjic (Producer of "Behind the Corner") started the revolution, supported the campaign and said: "Do not do to women that you do not want to be done to your mother, sister or daughter. My own mother."
Photo credit: Aleksandar Stojkovski.
The idea for this campaign was developed and implemented by Dragana Manevska, coordinator of the S.O.S line and Ivana Kostovska, education care and free legal aid coordinator; both part of the team of the Crisis Center "Hope". The photos were taken by Aleksandar Stojkovski.
2014 Visit of the Ambassador of Federative Republic of Germany
On 10th of November 2014th, PhD. Christine D. Althauser, the Ambassador of Federative Republic of Germany visited the Crisis Center “Hope”.
The reviewing of the renovated facilities was a part of the final event of the project – “Improving the quality of the services for women victims of domestic violence”. The Major of Municipality of Gazi Baba, Toni Trajkovski also took part in this final event.
During her visit, the Ambassador got to know better the work of our organization, she met the volunteers who provide direct support services and she was informed about the challenges we are facing during the protection of the victims of the domestic violence. Also, we shared experiences and results of the realized project supported by the Embassy of the F.R Germany.
2014 Gratitude towards EVN Macedonia
Crisis Center “Hope” was one of the organizations that took part in the humanitarian episode of the prize show “Happy Family”, that aired on 03.11.2014, supported by EVN Macedonia.
First place was won by the family that was competing for our organization. The sum of 61.500 MKD, was donated from EVN Macedonia to the Crisis Center “Hope”.
The fund will be used for obtaining food, clothes, medicaments, hygienic products and transport for the women and children - victims of domestic violence who are sheltered in our crisis center, as well for maintenance of the National SOS line for victims of domestic violence.
2014 Bilateral Seminar to Combat Violence against Women with Disabilities
On 3rd of December 2014, the International Day of People with Disabilities, the staff of Crisis Center “Hope” participated in the Bilateral Seminar to Combat Violence Against Women with Disabilities. The seminar was supported by the Austrian Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, represented by Attaché MA. Harald Fugger.
Besides our NGO, other NGOs like Polio Plus and ESE, from the Macedonian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the expert Claudia Sprenger from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights participated as well.
The participants throughout discussions and group work made brief analysis on the situation in Macedonia, identified the main challenges and defined future activities and steps for improvement of the current state regarding protection of women with disabilities who experienced violence.
The expert Claudia Sprenger presented the main activities and results within the project – “Access to specialized victim support services for women with disabilities who have experienced violence" implemented in four countries in Europe (Austria, Germany, Great Britain and Iceland).
2014 Humanitarian action for support of the victims of domestic violence
Оn 13th and 14th of December in the City Mall Carrefour market a humanitarian action was organized by the Crisis Center “Hope”. During this action citizens were donating food and hygiene products. On Saturday (13.12.2014) was organized the second street action, this time in front of the City Mall, under the motto “My Body is My Choice and My Freedom - Stop the Sexual Violence against Girls”. The street action was aimed forraising awareness about this form of violence against women.
The collected products were donated to two women-victims of domestic violence, who urgently needed this kind of aid. These women are users of our services and are unemployed, single mothers.
The stuff of Crisis Center “Hope” would like to express its gratitude to everyone that donated and took part in the street action.
2014 Educational Workshop in Municipality of Gazi Baba - Recognition and Dealing with Sexual Violence against Women
On 17.12.2014, Crisis Center “Hope” conducted an educative workshop as a part of the project - “No Guilt or Shame! Ask for Help, Report Sexual Violence”, whose general aim was to make the problem of sexual violence against women visible.
Participants in this workshop were members of the psychological-pedagogy services of the primary schools on the territory of Municipality of Gazi Baba and representatives of the Commission for Gender Equality within this municipality.
The emphasized issues were sexual harassment among students and among teachers and students. More precisely, the workshop was consistent of the following sessions: defining of these forms of sexual violence, sharing experiences from the last year project whose target group were the high school students, and, discussion and sharing of positive experiences in preventing and tackling with this kind of sexual violence.
2014/2015 “Help, support and sheltering of victims of domestic violence”
The Ministry for labor and social affairs once again supported the services that we provide for victims of domestic violence in the period from October 2014 until February 2015. Namely, our organization constantly provides: Crisis counseling and referral through the National S.O.S help line 15-315; Emotional empowerment and initial legal aid through education for victims of domestic violence and Crisis sheltering in a period of 24 – 48 hours, with capacity of sheltering 5 – 7 victims at a time.
Referrals and direct contacts in cases of domestic violence (October 2014 - February 2015):
– total number of received calls on the National SOS line - 471
– total referrals to Centers for social work 216, total referrals to Police stations 71, total referrals to Health institutions 41 and total referrals of 27 to NGOs.
– worker contacted referral agency – 50 times Centers for social work, 18 times Police stations, 15 times NGO, 19 times Lawyer and 6 times official interpreter.
The contacts and referrals are made according to the accepted call and the local competence of the institutions and organizations from the whole territory of R. Macedonia.
Crisis sheltering:in this period 20 women and 14 children victims of domestic violence were shelter in our Center.
Educations: total number of 58 educative sessions were provided in this period. In 33 of the cases women were provided also with free legal aid and preparation of documentation.
PayNet Macedonia introduced the possibility of donating to Crisis Center "Hope" through their terminals
In March 2015, Crisis Center "Hope" established cooperation with the company PayNet Macedonia. PayNetis innovative system for efficient payment of overheads, such as water and sanitation, broadcasting fee, for mobile and fixed telephony etc. The payment terminals are available 24/7, 365 days a year and will be installed throughout the country, starting with the central urban areas and then the rural areas. Through the Pay Net terminals, all service users will be able to donate funds intended for the needs and activities of the Crisis Center - "Hope".
For more information about the services of the company PayNet Macedonia, visit the following links:
2015 "Defining and piloting an integrated approach for the direct protection of victims of domestic violence offered by NGOs"
The aim of the project is to improve the access to quality and standardized support services for survivors of domestic violence, through piloting an integrated approach to immediate support services, based on the minimum standards for CSOs providers of services in response to domestic violence. The following services will be standardized throughout the project: SOS helpline, long term sheltering, crisis sheltering, free legal aid and psychosocial support and counseling.
Crisis Center "Hope" participates in the project with standardization of the crisis sheltering service, and the other partners in the project are Organization of women – Skopje, SOZM Women's Forum - Tetovo. Organization leading the project is HERA.
ЕVN Macedonia supports the National S.O.S line for victims of domestic violence 15-315
EVN Macedonia once again recognized our need for support and cooperation in tackling domestic violence.
In June, 2015 Crisis Center “Hope” and EVN Macedonia signed a one-year agreement for financial support of the National SOS line for victims of domestic violence thus ensuring the sustainability of her functioning 24/7, 365 days a year. The monthly amount of 9,225.ºº denars will be used for covering the total telephone and internet costs.
Donation calendar 2015
Тea Moderna and Konekt released for the fifth time the Donation calendar. Crisis Center "Hope" is once again part of the calendar in the month August under the slogan "For a life without violence." We are grateful for the support and recognition of the problem of domestic violence.
Read more about Konekt on the following link: http://donirajpametno.mk/
May – December 2015
“Help, support and sheltering of victims of domestic violence”
The Ministry of labor and social policy, during the period from May to December 2015 supported the services we offer to the victims of violence such as: Crisis counseling and referrals through the National SOS helpline for victims of domestic violence; Education of the victims of domestic violence, including emotional strengthening and basic legal support and sheltering of victims of domestic violence for a period of 24 – 48 hours.
Referrals and realized contacts for domestic violence cases:
– total number of received calls at the National SOS helpline – 545
– total referrals to Center for Social Work (CSW) – 208; 112 referrals to Police stations, 44 referrals to Health institutions and 56 referrals to NGOs.
– direct contact made by Crisis Center “Hope” realized 144 times with CSW, 49 times with Police stations, 71 times with NGOs, 86 times free legal support provided.
The contacts and referrals are made according to the accepted call and the local competence of the institutions and organizations from the whole territory of R. Macedonia.
Crisis sheltering: There were 24 women and 27 children victims of domestic violence sheltered in our facility.
Educations: there were 141 educational sessions in our facility, during these 8 months. 46 of those cases were given legal advice and provided preparation of needed documentation.
Continuation of the support from EVN Macedonia
EVN Macedonia supports the National SOS line for domestic violence 15-315. Crisis Center “Hope” and the company EVN Macedonia signed a contract to support the National SOS line for victims of domestic violence, which ensures sustainability and its smooth functioning 24/7, 365 days in the year.
Donation from the Embassy of Germany in Skopje
Crisis Center “Hope” signed a contract with the German Embassy in Skopje for improvement of the conditions for work in Crisis Center “Hope”. This time the donation from the Embassy was to provide IT equipment.
Project “Strengthening and sheltering victims of domestic violence”
During the period from September to December 2016, the Ministry of labor and social policy again supported the services we offer to the victims of domestic violence such as: Crisis counseling and referral through the National SOS helpline for victims of domestic violence; Education of the victims of domestic violence, including emotional strengthening and basic legal support; and sheltering victims of domestic violence for a period of 24 – 48 hours.
Referrals and realized contacts for domestic violence cases:
– total number of received calls at the National SOS helpline - 297
– total number of referrals 185 to the Center of Social Work (CSW), 71 referrals to the police stations, 40referrals to the health institutions and 53referrals to NGOs.
– direct contact with CSW 78times, 25times with police stations, 35 times with NGOs, 13 times with a Lawyer and 1 with court translator.
The contacts and referrals are made according to the accepted call and the local competence of the institutions and organizations from the whole territory of R. Macedonia.
Crisis sheltering: in our facilities in this period there were 11 women and 10 children victims of domestic violence sheltered.
Educations: there were total of 62 education sessions in our facilities, during these 4 months with 29 users. At the same time, in 20 of the cases we provided free legal advices and preparation of necessary documents.
Donation from Avon Macedonia – Speak up against domestic violence
Crisis Center “Hope” got support and donation from Avon Macedonia during October. The donation is for the project “Speak up against domestic violence” which will be realized during 2017. In the frames of the project there will be 12 workshops organized in five cities and the main goal is to influence the way this problem is considered, to raise awareness for its existence and to show the symptoms and mechanisms for protection and support. It is planned to have four events in Skopje and per two in Kumanovo, Strumica, Kichevo and Struga for representatives and activists of different NGOs will be enabled to get informed and gain certain skills to deal and treat the victims and information about the problem.
Special part of the workshops will be directed to the victims of domestic violence who need psycho-social rehabilitation, encouragement and education about the ways how to gain skills for being financially independent, re-qualification and opportunities for re-integration in the society through gaining self-confidence back and courage to start a new life away from the violent partner.
In the frames of the same project, for the International day for fight against violence, 25th of November, group of members of Crisis Center “Hope” organized guerilla action on the main square “Macedonia” in Skopje.
The activists were carrying different slogans with messages related to domestic violence. The passers-by could be informed about the myths which can be often heard that men beating their wives are alcoholics or that the violence is not a big problem considering that every couple occasionally quarrels.
Reward from the municipality of Gazi Baba
At the celebration of the 40-years jubilee of existence of Gazi Baba municipality (03.11.2016), Crisis Center “Hope” was rewarded with a plaque, statue “Goddess Great Mother” and financial reward for significant achievements in the area of nongovernmental sector.
Programme for training of volunteers for support to victims of domestic violence
On 4 and 19 November, in Crisis Center “Hope” there were workshops realized to train volunteers to support victims of domestic violence. These activities are realized in the frames of the project Programme for training of volunteers, supported by municipality of Gazi Baba.
Project “Take care of yourself”
Crisis Center “Hope”, in December 2016 got support for realization of the project “Take care of yourself” from the Australian Embassy. The project comprises realization of 10 workshops, which will be organized in the first half of 2017.
Name of the project: “Become aware, recognize and report”
Donor: Australian Embassy Belgrade
Period of implementation: December2017 – June2018
Target group: students in high schools in Skopje, Valandovo and Resen
Description of activities: Organizing workshop for awareness raising about the problem of bullying, organizing trainings for students to recognize the problem and reporting it and support their piers who are victims of bullying.
Results: More than 120 students educated about bullying in three highs schools; printed and distributed 100 guides for dealing with bullying; printed and distributed more than 2000 educational flyers; trained 18 high school students in the respective high schools.
Budget: 460.000 MKD
Name of the project: “Recognize violence and report it”
Donor: Municipality of Gazi Baba
Period of implementation: January– June 2018
Target group: citizens of Municipality of Gazi Baba
Description of activities: Organizing campaigns for awareness raising about the problem of domestic violence, street actions on the territory of Gazi Baba municipality and social media campaigns.
Results: media presented project on the national TV station (MRTV), organized two street actions, printed and distributed more than 2000 educational and informational flyers.
Budget: 250.000 MKD
Name of the project: “Stop to domestic violence – sheltering victims”
Donor: Ministry of labor and social policy
Period of implementation: January - December 2018
Target group: victims and potential victims of domestic violence
Description of activities:Providing information for professional and other types of help to the victims of domestic violence. Providing secure and safe temporary stay from 24 to 48 hours, connection and referral to relevant institutions and strengthening the services of work with victims of domestic violence.
Results:During the whole year, more than 500 victims received professional help and support, 263 victims were referred to the Center for Social Work, 169 were referred to the Police stations, 37 were referred to health institutions and 22 to Non-governmental organizations. There were total of 79 victims sheltered, i.e. 27 women and 52 children for a period of 24 to 48 hours. There were total of 66 educational and psycho-social sessions and there were 102 educated women – victims of domestic violence.
Budget: 1.100.000 MKD
Participation in the action “Feed 10.000” organized by the network Site Siti
Crisis Center “Hope” as a member of the network Site Siti, participated in two humanitarian actions organized by the network, for collecting food to help socially endangered and vulnerable categories of people. One of the actions was organized in September and the other in October 2018 and during these actions there was food collected which was distributed to 16 women – who were previously sheltered in our crisis center.
Donation from German Embassy
German Embassy in Skopje, supported Crisis Center “Hope” once again with a donation. During the summer 2018, after a couple of floods in the Center, large part of the furniture and equipment was damaged. Most of the damaged things were thrown and with the donation from the German Embassy the office furniture and part of the technical equipment were renewed.
Name of the project: “Protection and sheltering of victims of domestic violence”
Donor: Ministry of labor and social policy
Period of implementation:January - December 2019
Target group: victims and potential victims of domestic violence
Description of activities: Providing information for professional and other types of help to the victims of domestic violence. Providing secure and safe temporary stay from 24 to 48 hours, connection and referral to relevant institutions and strengthening the services of work with victims of domestic violence.
Description of activities::
Referrals and realized contacts for domestic violence cases: During the whole year, 420 victims received professional help and support,
- 358 victims were referred to the Center for Social Work,
- 298 were referred to the Police stations,
- 74 were referred to health institutions and
- 21 to Non-governmental organizations.
Контактите и упатувањата се направени согласно примениот повик и надлежноста на институциите и организациите од цела територија на Република Северна Македонија. Во текот на 2019 година беше остварен директен контакт со:
- Центрите за социјална работа – 217 пати
- Полиција – 80 пати
- Граѓански организации – 46 пати
- Здравствени установи – 8 пати и
- 1 директен контакт со Основно Јавно Обвинителство.
Згрижувања: There were total of 90 victims sheltered, i.e. 32 women and 58 children for a period of 24 to 48 hours. There were total of 131 educational and psycho-social sessions and there were 98 educated women – victims of domestic violence.
Едукации: остварени беа вкупно 131 едукации со 98 жртви на семејно насилство. Во текот на едукациите им беше дадена психо-социјална поддршка, беа разработувани планови за безбедност, детали за пријавување и упатување во случај на насилство, како и детални информации за динамиката на семејно насилство и беа разработувани доживувањата и нивното актуелно функционирање со цел емоционално да се зајакнат. Едукациите се одвиваа во време траење од 2 -3 часа, во зависност од потребите на корисничките.
Budget: 1.105.000 MKD
Name of the project: Stop bullying – education of parents and children
Donor: Municipality of Gazi Baba
Period of implementation: January– December 2019
Target group: target group is the citizens of Gazi Baba municipality, and direct beneficiaries are the students from the final grades of primary schools on the territory of Gazi Baba municipality.
Description of activities:
А1- Претставник од тимот на Кризен Центар „Надеж“ учествува во локалната телевизиска програма.
Претседателката на Кризен Центар „Надеж“ учествуваше во утринска програма на Националната телевизија и во емисијата „Будење со Јулија“ на ТВ Сонце, на кои што беше претставен проектот и најавени активностите што ќе се реализираат во текот на годината.
А2- Подготовка и печатење на едукативните материјали од страна на тимот на Кризен Центар „Надеж“.
Материјалите се состојат од едукативни текстови кои ќе им овозможат на учениците сами да проценат дали се наоѓаат во ризична ситуација како и начини за спречување на врсничкото насилство и заштита од истото. Материјалите ги подготви тимот на Кризен Центар „Надеж“ и беа испечатени во печатница „Теди Трејд Ком“.
А3- Организирање работилници во месните заедници
Во текот на годината почнувајќи од месец април до август, КЦ „Надеж“ започна со реализација на работилници во месните заедници што се наоѓаат на територија на општина Гази Баба, односно во населбите Маџари, Ченто и Хиподром и селата Трубарево, Булачани и Идризово. Работилниците се организираа во соработка со локалните граѓански организации, а на нив учествува ученици од завршните одделенија од основните училишта и нивните родители, како и просветните работници од основните училишта. Работилниците беа реализирани и водени од експерти – психолози и социјални работници, а на нив се зборуваше за врсничкото насилство, видови и последици, како и за заштита од истото и спречување на насилството во училиштата. Работилниците траеја по 2 часа со видео презентации и практични вежби за учесниците. Во тек се подготовки за организирање на работилници во населбите Автокоманда и Железара, како и во с. Стајковци.
А4- Подготовка и печатење на пораки за борба против семејното насилство.
Пораките против врсничкото насилство ги подготви тимот на Кризен Центар „Надеж“ а беа испечатени пред одржување на активностите од печатницата Теди Трејд Ком, и беа дистрибуирани и поставени во месните заедници пред одржувањето на работилниците. Пораките се со цел да послужат за зголемување на свесноста за борбата против врсничкото насилство и истите имаат и улога за зголемување на самодовербата на жртвите и потенцијалните жртви.
А5- Изработка на завршен извештај.
Извештајот е изработен пред завршување на целосниот проект од страна на координаторот на проектот, во два дела – наративен и финансиски. За активностите кои се во подготовка и не се сѐ уште реализирани, ќе се достави дополнителен извештај до крајот на годината.
- Media presented project
- printed and distributed 1000 educational materials
- printed and distributed posters and messages for fight against domestic violence
- 9 workshops organized with teachers
- awareness raised about bullying and its consequences
Budget: 300.000 MKD
Donation from Skopje half-marathon
Two participants at Skopje half-marathon from Great Britain, Christopher Brown and Stanley Harvey, decided to dedicate the participation at the half-marathon to Crisis Center “Hope” and organized fund-raising to support CC “Hope”. The raised funds were used to organize tribunes and education with the general population to recognize the problem of domestic violence and report it to the relevant institutions.
16 days of activism in the fight against domestic violence
Organized street action on the territory of Gazi Baba municipality.
Distributed informational flyers, organized discussions with local residents with hot tea and cookies and shared messages to support fight against domestic violence.
Participation in the action “Feed 10.000” organized by the network Site Siti
Crisis Center “Hope” as a member of the network Site Siti, participated in two humanitarian actions organized by the network, for collecting food to help socially endangered and vulnerable categories of people. One of the actions was organized in April and the other in October 2019 and during these actions there was food collected which was distributed to 16 women – who were previously sheltered in our crisis center.
After proclamation of a crisis situation in our country, because of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, there were a set of measures brought which influence the intensive increase of the stress for citizens, frustrations, fear and concern about the future, which were triggers for aggressive behavior, nervousness, increased need for control and expression of power, violent conflict resolution and increased use of violence. This put the women and children directly in risk because they are forced to stay in their homes with the perpetrators, to live in increased risk of violence and life-threatening environment. Focused on providing instant help and support to victims of domestic violence, the professional team of Crisis Center “Hope” contributed to direct and indirect information and referrals to the victims of domestic violence, through the national SOS helpline and online campaign through the social networks. The victims were provided with appropriate psychological and legal advices and the trained staff, engaged in this project will help the victims to create their own personal safety plans. Crisis Center “Hope” was available even during the lockdown and the restrictions for movement to those who were in need. There was a proposal to the Government, which was adopted, for the victims of domestic violence if they are caught outside during the lockdown, not to be punished, but to be helped shelter. Besides the crisis situation, Crisis Center “Hope” worked continuously, with help and support through the SOS helpline, through the social networks and through sheltering victims in need.
Realized projects
Name of the project: “Protection and sheltering of victims of domestic violence”
Donor: Ministry of labor and social policy
Period of implementation: January – December 2020
Target group: victims and potential victims of domestic violence
Description of activities: Providing information for professional and other types of help to the victims of domestic violence. Providing secure and safe temporary stay from 24 to 48 hours, connection and referral to relevant institutions and strengthening the services of work with victims of domestic violence.
Results: During the period from 1 January to 31 December 2020, Crisis Center “Hope” provided the following services:
- Referrals and realized contacts for domestic violence cases: from the total number of all received calls in 2020 – 532 at the National SOS helpline there were:
– 438 victims referred to the Center for Social Work,
– 349 referred to the Police stations,
– 209 referred to health institutions and
– 56 to Non-governmental organizations.
Contacts and referrals are made according to the calls received and the competence of the institutions and organizations from the whole territory of Republic of North Macedonia. During 2020, direct contact was realized with:
– Centers for Social Work – 299 times
– Police – 140 times
– Civil Organizations – 68 times
– Health Institutions – 41 times
The year was significantly hard because of the pandemic with Covid-19, so Crisis Center “Hope” was supported by Civica Mobilitas and the British Embassy for online campaign for encouraging victims of domestic violence to report it in appropriate institutions. There was a practice started with receiving reports and organize counselling and referrals by using the online tools, i.e. Facebook, Instagram and e-mail. Related to this, during the period from July to December, there were 164 messages received and the team of Crisis Center “Hope” answered all of them accordingly. Through these online tools, there were online sessions and counselling arranged with victims. - Crisis sheltering: There were total of 58 victims sheltered, i.e. 30 women and 28 children for a period of 24 to 48 hours.
- Educations: There were total of 291 educational and psycho-social sessions and there were 164 educated women – victims of domestic violence, most of them realized online.
Name of the project: „Know your rights and protect yourself“
Donor: Municipality of Gazi Baba
Period of implementation: January – December 2020
Target group: Target group of this project were citizens of Municipality of Gazi Baba in rural and urban areas.
Realized activities:
A1. Preparation of online questionnaires for research and comparative analysis of the understanding of domestic violence and how to protect from it, of the people from rural areas versus those from urban areas.
А2. Distribution of the questionnaire through the social networks
А3. Summarizing and statistical operation of the data received from the research
А4. Preparation of the comparative analysis based on the gathered data about the awareness of people from the urban areas compared to the people from rural areas in the municipality of Gazi Baba, the risks from the problem and the ways of its resolving.
А5. Preparation and distribution of flyers for information and awareness raising about the domestic violence problem.
A6. Organized 5 workshops with the citizens from rural and urban areas – online workshops, respecting the measures and recommendations for protection from Covid-19.
Name of the project: “Freedom from violence is a basic human right”
Donor: Australian Embassy - Belgrade
Period of implementation: January - June 2020
Target group: Professionals from civil society organizations and state institutions who deal with cases of domestic violence – representatives of the Centers for Social Work, Police Stations, Public Prosecutions, Health Institutions and Municipalities from Skopje, Tetovo, Kumanovo and Veles.
Realized activities: Prepared online questionnaire and distributed to all organizations and institutions, organized working meeting with representatives of all institutions from the four cities. Prepared, printed and distributed a Guide for professionals dealing with domestic violence cases. Organized 4 workshops for representatives of organizations and institutions from all four cities. Educated and trained total of 48 professionals from CSOs and institutions from the four cities.
Name of the Project: “The fight against domestic violence does not stop with the start of the crisis situation”
Donor: Civica Mobilitas
Period of implementation: May – July 2020
Target group: Target group of this project were victims and potential victims of domestic violence as well as the general population.
Realized activities: Crisis consultation and referrals through the SOS helplines (National SOS helpline 15-315 – Telephone of confidence); Providing hygienic packages with disinfection means for the victims sheltered in Crisis Center “Hope” before they leave the center; Online campaign for awareness raising about domestic violence and where to report it.
Results: 232 persons received support and help and were encouraged through the online campaign to report the problem, while 73 were advised and consulted through the SOS helpline. 16 persons were sheltered during the implementation period and they were provided with hygienic and protection packages before they left the Center.
Name of the project: “Support to Crisis Center “Hope” for protection of victims of domestic violence”
Donor: British Embassy – Skopje
Period of implementation: June – September 2020
Target group: Target group of this project were victims and potential victims of domestic violence as well as the general population.
Realized activities: Continuous providing of help and support to victims of domestic violence, as well as potential victims using the online tools and the SOS helpline available 24/7; providing help and education for protection from Covid-19 and providing protection means for the sheltered victims in Crisis Center “Hope”.
Results: 326 potential victims and victims of domestic violence received professional help and support and were appropriately referred to the relevant institutions.
304 victims of domestic violence received appropriate psychological and legal advice and consultation through the National SOS helpline and social networks.
22 victims of domestic violence (women and children) sheltered and educated how to deal with the crisis situation caused by COVID – 19. All sheltered victims received hygienic packages before they left the center.
22 personal safety plans for victims of domestic violence were created with sheltered victims before they left the center.
Name of the project: “Isolated, not alone”
Donor: AVON foundation
Period of implementation: May – December 2020
Target group: Target group of this project were victims and potential victims of domestic violence as well as the general population.
Realized activities: Online campaign entitled “Isolated, not alone” with support from AVON, creation of informative contents for the social networks to reach as many people as possible and to give them the needed support. Organized street actions to communicate with the public and inform them about the possibilities for protection and the places to report violence.
Name of the project: “Institutional strengthening” Donor: Civica Mobilitas
Period of implementation: July 2020 – June 2022
Target group: Target group of this project is the organization itself and the staff working in it, for institutional strengthening and organizational development.
Realized activities:
The support from Civica Mobilitas is for strengthening the organization, enhancing the cooperation with the state institutions in order to provide appropriate and in-time support for the victims of domestic violence and to strengthen the prevention from domestic violence. Other activities are focused to strengthening the cooperation with the business sector to provide more independent financial support.
Results: Developed Strategies for cooperation with the business sector, Strategy for gathering donations from individuals and Strategy for cooperation with institutions. Mentoring process finished and prepared Organizational development plan. Realized 10 online workshops and presentations and 5 street actions to educate and inform the public of the problem, its prevention and the protection of the victims.
The project is on-going.